Decided to finish the adventure of living Granada for about one year, I entered to another phase of my growing up awaking more and changing place backing to Milan like entering in another city I didn't know before and I felt it differently because before departure from Granada I was so sad to leave that place of intercultures and traditions where I also felt myself closer to my own culture thanks to Arabs who were the connection of two lives of Orient and West picking some customs from Persian land flying like birds to Spanish territory of the time and spreading the seeds from extreme south to half territory of that Spain so those seeds grew and made stong races as much as staying till now and so sweet and so desirable as the Spanish is pleasured to be owner of such Andalucian culture different from the european context.
Anyway I entered Milan through my favorite point of departure the gigante central station where every time I come back I feel differences in my own sensations and in my vision of north Italian territory I say so since I do not have that stereotype view of southern Italy. Again I felt that coming back from my long journeys of every where to this poit of entering Milanese life I feel one stage nearer to this cloudy fashoinable expensive industrial city and even with the cold breathing air I ever felt from the first entrance it has also a deep possibility to like it becoming like it and I am not sure if I could be able to have the patience for that methamorphosy! slow and bended like its labirint alleys ending to the marvelous destination the gorgeous Duomo. That's the reality of contradictions! The modern Milan is full of strangers from all over the world who live and work and study here but I felt differences of surviving cultures in Milan and the intercultural life in traditional Granada. The aspect of modernity and economic development made big differences to this aspect of interculturalism; what in Granada happens has more connection to the reality of human lives while in Milan there is more the matter of labour and even there is a big generational difference in two contexts while in Granada the famous city of Erasmus students they are all interested to know to participate and to live the traditional and historical context of Andalusia with the rich Cultural Heritage of humnaity in Milan they get obliged to survive the heavy economy of industrial and -I don't have time to think for cultural activity - city.