martes, 29 de mayo de 2012


Some how the time of living goes faster than to book it ! I am running like a horse in the field of life ! what a delicious smell has the respiration ...

sábado, 19 de mayo de 2012


Here in Europe I saw with my eyes shattering life of a family because of crisis !! I couldn't believe it was a real fact so close to my eyes she came back from Madrid with a quasi dead face but still trying to keep smiling...
The word I tried to undrestand well in Europe was Liberalism but as I travelled and developed my circle of information I saw it more false and more a dream people loved to achieve but in the real sense they couldn't;   they went through the illusion of having it and tried to be satisfied with what there is and not what is supposed to be! The fact that "the reality is manipulated by the powers" is a bitter shame of humanity because this power is not a past super power which we do not have access for change but it is a power of humanity in the world of modernism, what I didn't know because of living in my exotic oriental corner where every thing is stereotyped as wowly as far from the idea of modernism - in fact it is not - but of course it depends what does mean this modernism so we can come near to it with a modern thought and instead of being afraid of it's unknown exoticism we can enjoy it's liberal smell of original life! we love much more intense we share it with eagerness d we live it and even we understand its value much more when we try to arrive to that point of occidental modernism based of money and based of being so individual as much as being egoist to not bother ourselves to care for anyone. And all it's complication to even write about is because of simplicity of life got the way  destinated to crisis.  Now all are rebelled with different aims against this crisis of modernity.